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The Mission

Our mission in creating this website is to piece together a comprehensive out look of the planet known as Terrillian. Through artwork, audio, and videos covering lore culture we'll bring our stories to life and bring you into the world we've so meticulously created . . . the world of Terrillian.


In doing so we hope to gain your favor. The end goal is to turn these stories into a video game!

Support our Emergence

Podcasts and Tales Of Terrillian

Set deep in the mind of the creator; listen and learn from each lore told to visualize the vivid and vast world of Terrillian.


A tragic tale set forth for the main protagonist the gamer would play as to conquer lands and legends thus creating a lore of their own.

Enjoy each epic story documenting the essence of a game that our goal is to make a reality.

Game Artwork Depictions

(More Coming Soon)


Music & Audio

(More Coming Soon)

Soundtracks unique to each adventure tale providing an exhilarating experience bringing this story to life.

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